
Trails act as vital connectors for active transportation in Maine. Creating complete and connected streets and trails, allows people to have greater access across their community. Trails are also recreational hubs, and the creation of multi-use paths is a proven economic and tourism driver.  

Tied to this conversation are the many unused rail lines throughout Maine. The BCM believes that the interim conversion of rail corridors into trails for active transportation and recreation is the best and highest-impact use of these public resources. Maine does not appear to have any firm plans to implement new passenger rail or freight within the next five years on any of the corridors currently owned by the state. The BCM supports the transformation of these rails into trails which would increase connectivity and provide recreational space for the community.   

LD Title Status Topics BCM Testimony
209 Berlin Subdivision Rail Corridor LOSS – Bill is Dead Trails, Rail BCM Testimony on 209
216 Storm Water Management Exemption for Trails WIN – Gov Signed Trails BCM Testimony on 216
404 Mountain Division Line WIN – Gov Signed Trails, Rail BCM Testimony on 404 + 1450
406 An Act to Expand Passenger Rail Service DRAW – Postponed Rail BCM Testimony on 406
860 An Act to Identify the Railroad Lines from Portland to Bangor as a Major Corridor and to Fund a Feasibility Study LOSS Infrastructure, Rail BCM Testimony on 860
861 An Act to Identify the Canadian Pacific Railway Railroad Lines from Hermon Station Through Brownville and Jackman to Quebec and Montreal as a Major Corridor and to Fund a Feasibility Study WIN – Bill is Dead – BCM Opposed Infrastructure, Rail BCM Testimony on 861
862 An Act to Move Jurisdiction over Railroad Lines from the Department of Transportation to an Independent Rail Authority WIN – Bill is Dead – BCM Opposed Infrastructure, Rail BCM Testimony on 862
1156 Maine Trails Bond DRAW – Bill Carried Over Trails, Rail BCM Testimony on 1156
1170 Resolve, to Promote Passenger Rail for Commuters WIN – Bill is Dead – BCM Opposed Infrastructure, Rail BCM Testimony on 1170
1450 Mountain Division Line Funding WIN – OTP – Special Appropriations Table Trails, Rail BCM Testimony on 404 + 1450
1750 Resolve, Directing the Department of Transportation to Complete a Service Plan and Determine the Scope of Work for Restoration of Rail Use of the Berlin Subdivision Rail Corridor from Downtown Portland to Auburn DRAW – Bill is Carried Over Trails, Rail  
Bicycle Coalition of Maine