Child killed by driver in Sabattus

(Portland, ME) August 16, 2024 – A child riding a bicycle was struck and killed by a driver in Sabattus on Thursday afternoon at the intersection of Litchfield Road and Hillside Drive. The name of the victim and driver have not been released. The driver was a 35-year old man driving a 2020 Chevrolet pickup truck. 

“A heartbreaking tragedy,” said Jean Sideris, Bicycle Coalition of Maine executive director. “No child should be killed while riding a bicycle. Maine roads should be safe not just for cars, but for all users, including cyclists, pedestrians, and all forms of mobility. Our hearts go out to the family and friends of those involved.” 

Initial reporting says alcohol is not thought to be a contributing factor. The BCM urges law enforcement to carefully examine the roadway conditions, bicycle facilities, history of crashes at this location, driver behavior, phone use records, and any additional circumstances that may have contributed to the crash..

This is the first cyclist to be killed in Maine this year. Statewide, according to the MaineDOT crash query tool, 99 bicycle crashes have been reported and 120 pedestrian crashes have been reported. These numbers are slightly lower compared to a similar time frame last year. 


The Bicycle Coalition of Maine works to make Maine a better and safer place to bike and walk. Founded in 1992, the Bicycle Coalition of Maine has grown into the leading bicycle and pedestrian advocacy group in the state. The Coalition believes all Mainers should have access to bikes and bike education, and we envision a future where Maine’s roads, public ways, and trails are safe and accessible, resulting in cleaner travel options, improved health, and stronger economic benefits for Maine communities.

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Bicycle Coalition of Maine