We need your help to shape Maine’s biking and walking future!
For the first time ever, the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is creating a Statewide Active Transportation Plan—and the BCM is on the team developing it! This is an exciting opportunity to shape Maine’s bicycle and pedestrian future, and you have TWO upcoming opportunities to get involved.
Opportunity #1: BCM Informational Webinar, March 9 @ 12:00 p.m.
The BCM will be hosting a webinar about the plan on Wednesday, March 9 from 12 – 1 p.m., and you’re invited to join! We will cover how the Statewide Active Transportation Plan fits into the MaineDOT’s “family” of long-range plans, what is included in the ATP, how the public can provide input, and answer any questions you may have. We will also discuss the first public meeting with the MaineDOT that’s scheduled for the following week.
Interested in attending our webinar? Register using the form below.
Even if you are unable to attend, please register and we will share the recording with you and make sure you stay informed about the ATP process and how you can provide input!
Opportunity #2: MaineDOT SATP First Public Meeting, March 15 @ 6 p.m.
This virtual meeting on Tuesday, March 15 from 6 – 8 p.m. will provide a 20-minute overview of the MaineDOT “Family of Plans,” which includes individual plans for active transportation, rail, transit, and aviation. After an overview, attendees can choose to participate in up to two 45-minute breakout sessions about any of the individual plans. You can learn about and comment on two different plans, or just stay on the same one to keep a conversation going. BCM Assistant Director Jim Tassé will be facilitating the breakout discussions for the Active Transportation Plan.
Pre-registration for the March 15 public forum is now open.
Additional public forums will be held on April 6, May 4, and June 7.
For more information about the Statewide Active Transportation Plan, click here for a one-minute summary video or read our overview.
Still have questions? Send them to Jim@bikemaine.org.
Be sure you’re up to date on the latest SATP news by visiting & bookmarking this link.