Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust ($3,750)
Goal: Improve a section of the 1.2 mile Hatchery Brook trail, making it suitable for mountain biking. Current status: project completed as of 2020 with new kiosk, interpretive signs, trail modifications, bench installation at picnic areas, enhanced shoreline views, new trail blazes, bog bridge update.
Fort Kent ($3,750)
Goal: Install two flashing pedestrian crosswalk lights to enhance the connectivity of the Fish River Greenway multi-use path. Current status: signs ordered, awaiting installation.
Pittsfield ($2,500)
Goal: Purchase and install five bike racks throughout the town, as part of a larger effort to promote new bicycle events and usage by residents.
Washington County Council of Governments ($5,000)
Goal: Complete installation of signage for the 211-mile Bold Coast Scenic Bikeway, the first fully signed scenic bikeway in Maine. Current status: project completed as of 2020 with route signage and bike repair stations.